New Hope
Vocational Institute

Transforming Lives through Skill Development and Education
New Hope Vocational Institute (NHVI) was established to address the difficulties faced by orphans who discontinued their education due to their parents’ illnesses. Since the loss of their parents and struggle to afford school fees or meet basic needs, which posed a significant challenge. Following the demise of their parents the students found it challenging to reintegrate into the formal education system and often turned to no options for employment or early marriage.
New Hope Vocational Institute offers a range of skills to Orphans and Vulnerable Children, including tailoring, hairdressing, business communication, carpentry, welding, basic agricultural practices, knitting and craft, bricklaying and concrete practice, and general knowledge. Over the past 15 years, the vocational school has successfully graduated 1650 children, 945 girls and 705 boys. Presently, there are 100 girls and 50 boys enrolled at the New Hope Vocational Training Institute, all of whom require support and startup kits to become self-reliant.