Kyongera Farm
Kyongera farm is an agricultural department that started in 2009 located in Kyongera village in Kyarusozi sub-county with the aim of providing food to the orphanage, primary school, vocational school, and staff lunch in order to reduce on food expenditure. The farm also aims at; Improving the nutrition status of children in BHTF by producing vegetables and other food staffs of balanced deity, to attain knowledge in technical skills of agriculture, to act as a demonstration farm for community members in agriculture skills, to provide agricultural inputs to community members like banana suckers, vegetable seeds etc, to provide alternative income for the sustainability of Bringing Hope to the Family, to act a training centre for vocational students in agricultural skills.
In the last 7 year Kyongera farm has been able to achieve the following; Banana plantation two and a half acres has been planted, water pump has been bought, water tank has been bought, maize crib has been bought, tools like hoes, pangas, spraying pumps have been bought, greenhouse for fruits and coffee grafting has been constructed, two-acre of coffee plantation have been planted, three turns of maize were produced during March-June 2016 season, one acre of vegetables like cabbages, carrots, green papers, tomatoes etc are planted, one staff house with two staff members was constructed.
Just like any other projects, Kyongera farm has faced a number of challenges, among these include; the farm does not have enough land, there is need for more land, sometimes the farm lacks enough money to buy improved seeds, insecticides, and herbicides in time, lack of transport to transport agricultural products to market, on and off rain seasons (weather), lack of refresher training for staff in new methods of agriculture.